Books  [Ivo Balbaert] The Way To Go: A Thorough Introduction To The Go Programming Language

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This book provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the new open source programming language Go (in its first stable and maintained release Go 1) from Google. The language is devised with Java / C#-like syntax so as to feel familiar to the bulk of programmers today, but Go code is much cleaner and simpler to read, thus increasing the productivity of developers.

You will see how Go: simplifies programming with slices, maps, structs and interfaces incorporates functional programming makes error-handling easy and secure simplifies concurrent and parallel programming with goroutines and channels.

And you will learn how to...

Books  [Matt Aimonetti] Go Bootcamp: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started with Go

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Essential Go code and idioms for all facets of the development process

This guide gives you the code 'phrases' you need to quickly and effectively complete a wide variety of projects with Go, today's most exciting new programming language.

Tested, easy-to-adapt code examples illuminate every step of Go development, helping you write highly scalable, concurrent software. You'll master Go-specific idioms for working with strings, collections, arrays, error handling, goroutines, slices, maps, channels, numbers, dates, times, files, networking, web apps, the runtime, and more.


Books  [Docs] Go by Example

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Go is an open source programming language designed for building simple, fast, and reliable software. Please read the official documentation to learn a bit about Go code, tools packages, and modules.

Go by Example is a hands-on introduction to Go using annotated example programs. Check out the first example or browse the full list below.



Books  [Agus Kurniawan, Mark McGranaghan] Go by Example

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This book is a hands-on guide to The Go Programming Language. It helps you learn and write Go through annotated example programs.

This book provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the new open source programming language Go (in its first stable and maintained release Go 1) from Google. The language is devised with Java / C#-like syntax so as to feel familiar to the bulk of programmers today, but Go code is much cleaner and simpler to read, thus increasing the productivity of developers.

You will see how Go: simplifies programming with slices, maps, structs and interfaces incorporates functional programming makes...

Books  [Delio D'Anna, Andrew Hayes, Sam Hennessy, Jeremy Leasor, Gobin Sougrakpam, Daniel Szabo] The Go Workshop

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Get started with Go and learn how to leverage its simplicity and flexibility to solve real-world problems and build practical software. Learn to write clean, efficient code and build high-performance applications with Go.

About the Authors:
  • Delio D'Anna is an experienced software engineer with a company experience mainly developed working on web applications.


Books  [E. Anderson, Z. Bai, C. Bischof, S. Blackford, J. Demmel] LAPACK Users' Guide, Third Edition

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LAPACK Users' Guide provides an introduction to the design of the LAPACK package, a detailed description of its contents, reference manuals for the leading comments of the routines, and example programs

LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) is a library of numerical linear algebra subroutines designed for high performance on workstations, vector computers, and shared memory multiprocessors. Release 3.0 of LAPACK introduces new routines and extends the functionality of existing routines. The most significant new routines and functions include: 1. a faster singular value decomposition computed by divide-and-conquer 2. faster routines for...

Books  [Vincent A. Barker, L. Susan Blackford, Jack J. Dongarra] LAPACK95 Users' Guide

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LAPACK95 is a Fortran 95 interface to the Fortran 77 LAPACK library. It is relevant for anyone who writes in the Fortran 95 language and needs reliable software for basic numerical linear algebra. It improves upon the original user-interface to the LAPACK package, taking advantage of the considerable simplifications that Fortran 95 allows. LAPACK95 Users' Guide provides an introduction to the design of the LAPACK95 package, a detailed description of its contents, reference manuals for the leading comments of the routines, and example programs.

LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) is a library of numerical linear algebra subroutines...

Books  [Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert S. Wilf] Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators Second Edition

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This book deals with combinatorial algorithms for computers and calculators. Topics covered range from combinatorial families such as the random subset and k-subset of an n-set and Young tableaux, to combinatorial structures including the cycle structure of a permutation and the spanning forest of a graph. Newton forms of a polynomial and the composition of power series are also discussed.

It can be read at several levels. Those whose only need is to use one of the computer programs can turn immediately to those pages and satisfy their wants. Thus, on one level, this is a collection of subroutines, in FORTRAN, for the solution of...

Books  [Adrian Sandu] Introduction to Fortran 95 and Numerical Computing

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This book provides an introduction to its latest standard: Fortran 95, the most important language for scientific and engineering computation.

Contents: a quick tour of fortran 95; the building blocks of a fortran application; flow control; computer arithmetic; applications; intrinsic functions; input and output; arrays; more on procedures; parametrized intrinsic types; derived types; pointers and targets; elements of object-oriented programming; code performance; linear systems of algebraic equations; linear least squares; nonlinear equations; polynomial interpolation; numerical integration; splines; Taylor polynomials...

Books  [CJ Silverio, David Graves, and Chris Hogue] Fortran 77 Programmer's Guide

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This book is a complete presentation of standard FORTRAN 77 with special applications of numerical methods in science and engineering. This book emphasizes sound structured programming and software engineering principles; its clear and concise presentation is perfect for readers who possess a background in algebra, with no previous programming experience.



Books  [Ian David Chivers, Jane Sleighthome] Interactive Fortran 77: A Hands-On Approach

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The aim of this book is to introduce the concepts and ideas involved in problem solving with Fortran 77 using an interactive timesharing computer system. The book tries to achieve this using the established practices of structured and modular programming. Two techniques of problem solving, so-called top-down and bottom-up are also introduced.



Books  [Clive G. Page] Professional Programmers Guide To Fortran 77

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This guide provides a comprehensive description of the features and implementation of Fortran 77. Ideal as a text from which to learn a second language, or as a reference guide to a first or main language.



Books  [Miguel Hermanns] Parallel Programming in Fortran 95 using OpenMP

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Nowadays parallel computers are very common in research facilities as well as companies all over the world and are extensively used for complex computations, like simulations of atomic explosions, folding of proteins or turbulent flows. A challenge in parallel machines is the development of codes able of using the capabilities of the available hardware in order to solve larger problems in less time.



Books  [William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling] The Art of Scientific Computing. Third Edition

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The newest product in the hugely popular Numerical Recipes series, Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90 has three completely new chapters that start with a detailed introduction to the Fortran 90 language and then present the basic concepts of parallel programming with the same clarity and cheer for which Numerical Recipes is famous.

The second volume of the Fortran Numerical Recipes series, Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90 contains a detailed introduction to the Fortran 90 language and to the basic concepts of parallel programming, plus source code for all routines from the second edition of Numerical Recipes. This volume does not repeat...

Books  [Edward Jorgensen] Introduction to Programming using Fortran 95/2003/2008

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This text provides an introduction to programming and problem solving using the Fortran 95/2003/2008 programming language. This introduction is geared for non computer science majors. As such, this text is not a complete, comprehensive guide to the Fortran 95/2003/2008 programming language. The primary focus is on an introduction to problem solving and algorithm development. As such, many of the more advanced details of the Fortran 95/2203/2008 language are omitted.



Books  [Jeff Fox] Thoughtful Programming and Forth

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This book was originally designed for use in programming Forth classes, where students work through each chapter by doing the exercises on a computer. We have trained several thousand programmers to use Forth with versions of this book. Over the years we have adapted the content to reflect changes in common Forth usage and evolving computer and OS technology. We have also continually updated the problems to reflect the kinds of issues programmers face in real-world programming.



Books  [J. V. Noble] A Beginner's Guide to Forth

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The Forth programming language is radically different from conventional programming languages. It bears little resemblance to C, Java, Pascal, Lisp, Python, etc. This short article will not attempt to teach you the forth language, but instead give you a taste of what forth has to offer, give you a general idea of what the language is, and point you in the direction of various forth resources.

This primer was written in the hope that it will be useful and that starting Forthers aren't put off by the high price of Forth textbooks. It is dedicated to Leo Brodie, who taught me much more than just Forth


Books  [Tim Hendtlass] Real Time Forth

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This book has been written to provide information about using a computer with the real world to the two may work cooperatively together.

Forth is used as the language for interfacing for a number of good reasons. It is fast, especially when run on hardware designed for the language, but fast enough evenwhen run on general purpose equipment. It is interactive, providing an environment in which immediate testing as you go clarifies the task in hand and helps catch errors early so they canbe painlessly corrected. It is a rich, structured language that provides facilities useful forinterfacing that are missing in many other languages...

Books  [Leo Brodie] Starting Forth: An Introduction to the Forth Language and Operating System

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This book is a user-friendly beginner's tutorial on the Forth programing language and operating system.

For beginners and professionals, this popular and complete introduction to FORTH syntax has been expanded to include the new FORTH-83 Standard. It is suitable for all FORTH-83 Standard systems and is a complete guide to learning FORTH with special footnotes that address FORTH-79, MVP-FORTH and FIG-FORTH versions.

About the Authors:
  • Leo Brodie is the author of Starting Forth and Thinking Forth. He is currently employed as Director of Technical Services for NetSpeed Learning Solutions in Seattle. He is married and the...

Books  [American National Standard for Information Systems] Programming Languages — Forth

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Forth is a language for direct communication between human beings and machines. Usingnatural-language diction and machine-oriented syntax, Forth provides an economical,productive environment for interactive compilation and execution of programs. Forth alsoprovides low-level access to computer-controlled hardware, and the ability to extend thelanguage itself. This extensibility allows the language to be quickly expanded and adaptedto special needs and different hardware systems.



Books  [Stephen Pelc] Programming Forth

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Programming Forth is a thorough introduction to the Forth programming language. Written for readers with programming backgrounds but not necessarily with prior exposure to Forth, it offers comprehensive coverage of all major aspects of the language, from basic principles to advanced concepts such as multitasking and cross-compiling for embedded systems.



Books  [Leo Brodie] Thinking Forth: A Language and Philosophy for Solving Problems

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Thinking Forth is a book about the philosophy of problem solving and programming style, applied to the unique programming language Forth. Published first in 1984, it could be among the timeless classics of computer books, such as Fred Brooks' The Mythical Man-Month and Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming.

Many software engineering principles discussed here have been rediscovered in eXtreme Programming, including (re)factoring, modularity, bottom-up and incremental design. Here you'll find all of those and more, such as the value of analysis and design, described in Leo Brodie's down-to-earth, humorous style, with...

Books  [Wikibooks Contributors] Erlang Programming

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If you're new to Erlang, its functional style can seem difficult, but with help from this hands-on introduction, you’ll scale the learning curve and discover how enjoyable, powerful, and fun this language can be.

This book shows you how to write simple Erlang programs by teaching you one skill at a time. You'll learn about pattern matching, recursion, message passing, process-oriented programming, and establishing pathways for data rather than telling it where to go. By the end of your journey, you’ll understand why Erlang is ideal for concurrency and resilience.

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