Books  [Bryan Mealy, Fabrizio Tappero] Free Range VHDL: The No-frills Guide to Writing Powerful Code for Your Digital Implementations

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This book is a fundamental guide to develop the skills necessary to write powerful VHDL code. The approach taken by this book is to provide only what you need to know to get up and running quickly in VHDL.

As with all learning, once you have obtained and applied some useful information, it is much easier to build on what you know as opposed to continually adding information that is not directly applicable to the subjects at hand.

The purpose of this book is to provide students and young engineers with a guide to help them develop the skills necessary to be able to use VHDL for introductory and intermediate level digital design...

Books  [Chris Okasaki] Purely Functional Data Structures

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Most books on data structures assume an imperative language such as C or C++. However, data structures for these languages do not always translate well to functional languages such as Standard ML, Haskell, or Scheme. This book describes data structures from the point of view of functional languages, with examples, and presents design techniques that allow programmers to develop their own functional data structures. The author includes both classical data structures, such as red-black trees and binomial queues, and a host of new data structures developed exclusively for functional languages. All source code is given in Standard ML and...

Books  [Paul Hudak, John Peterson. Joseph Fasel] A Gentle Introduction to Haskell

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This book is a tutorial for those who already have some experience with functional programming. rather, to programming in Haskell.

You will get a practical, hands-on introduction to the Haskell language, its libraries and environment, and to the functional programming paradigm that is fast growing in importance in the software industry.

You'll also see how functional programming is gathering momentum, allowing you to express yourself in a more concise way, reducing boilerplate, and increasing the safety of your code.



Books  [Yann Esposito] Learn Haskell Fast and Hard: Blow Your Mind with Haskell

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A short and dense tutorial for learning Haskell. This text will certainly be hard to follow. This is on purpose. There is no shortcut to learning Haskell. It is hard and challenging. But I believe this is a good thing. It is because it is hard that Haskell is interesting.



Books  [Graham Hutton] Programming in Haskell

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Haskell is one of the leading languages for teaching functional programming, enabling students to write simpler and cleaner code, and to learn how to structure and reason about programs.

This introduction is ideal for beginners: it requires no previous programming experience and all concepts are explained from first principles via carefully chosen examples. Each chapter includes exercises that range from the straightforward to extended projects, plus suggestions for further reading on more advanced topics.

The author is a leading Haskell researcher and instructor, well-known for his teaching skills. The presentation is clear and...

Books  [Stephen Diehl] Write You a Haskell: Building a Modern Functional Compiler from First Principles

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We will build a small functional language called Fun which is a partial Haskell 2010 toy language; complete with a parser, type inference, datatypes, pattern matching, desugaring, typeclasses, higher-kinded types, monadic IO, arbitrary-rank polymorphism, records, Core language, STG intermediate language, lazy evaluation, interpreter, native code generator, a runtime, and several optimization passes.

This is a nontrivial topic and is unfortunately very much underserved, the knowledge to build such a modern functional language is not widely disseminated among many programmers. The available resources most often discuss language theory...

Books  [William R. Cook] Anatomy of Programming Languages

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This book is a series of notes about programming languages, originally written for students of the undergraduate programming languages course at The University of Texas at Austin. It uses Haskell, a pure functional language.

Learn by doing, using Haskell. High-level outline of planned scope:
  • Expressions & Variables
  • First-class Functions & Closures
  • Recursion, Fixed Points, Self-Application
  • Aspects of Computation: Errors, State, Non-determinism (Monads)
  • Parsing
  • Static Analysis, Type Checking
  • Data Abstraction: Objects and ADTs
  • Inheritance & Delegation
  • Domain-Specific Languages
  • Partial Evaluation...

Books  [Kees Doets, van Jan Eijck] The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming. Solutions to the Exercises

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The purpose of this book is to teach logic and mathematical reasoning in practice, and to connect logical reasoning with computer programming. The programming language that will be our tool for this is Haskell, a member of the Lisp family.

Haskell emerged in the last decade as a standard for lazy functional programming, a programming style where arguments are evaluated only when the value is actually needed. Functional programming is a form of descriptive programming, very different from the style of programming that you find in prescriptive languages like C or Java. Haskell is based on a logical theory of computable functions...

Books  [Kees Doets, van Jan Eijck] The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming

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The purpose of this book is to teach logic and mathematical reasoning in practice, and to connect logical reasoning with computer programming. The programming language that will be our tool for this is Haskell, a member of the Lisp family.

Haskell emerged in the last decade as a standard for lazy functional programming, a programming style where arguments are evaluated only when the value is actually needed. Functional programming is a form of descriptive programming, very different from the style of programming that you find in prescriptive languages like C or Java. Haskell is based on a logical theory of computable functions...

Books  [GetContented] Happy Learn Haskell Tutorial

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This book provides a tutorial to get started using Haskell and takes a no-prerequisites approach to teaching the basics of a modern general-purpose programming language. It teaches you new techniques of Haskell development as well as providing useful code for reuse in your own projects.

This book will bring your Haskell reading skill from nothing to about halfway through beginner level. You will also gain the skills necessary to write the smallest pre-beginner (basic level) programs. This tutorial uses a gradual method. It's easier to learn and understand.

Using quirky cartoons and practical programs we'll journey together, making...

Books  [Elise Huard, Jan Rychly, Rongxiao Fu] Game Programming in Haskell

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Game Programming in Haskell, predictably gives an introduction on how to write a game in Haskell.

It is a practical book with code examples and pointers to open source code repositories. The aim is to get the readers to develop their own game as painlessly as possible, so that they can skip the technical hurdles and concentrate on the hard part, which is making a fun, compelling, entertaining game.

With this book, you'll get a fun introduction to game programming by building five fully playable games of increasing complexity.


Books  [Hal Daume III] Yet Another Haskell Tutorial

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The goal of this book is to provide a complete intoduction to the Haskell programming language. It assumes no knowledge of the Haskell language or familiarity with functional programming in general. However, general familiarity with programming concepts (such as algorithms) will be helpful.

It has crystal-clear illustrations and guided practice. You will write and test dozens of interesting programs and dive into custom Haskell modules. You will gain a new perspective on programming plus the practical ability to use Haskell in the everyday world.

This is not intended to be an introduction to programming in general; rather, to...

Books  [WikiBooks Contributors] Haskell

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This book leads you through short lessons, examples, and exercises designed to make Haskell your own. It has crystal-clear illustrations and guided practice. You will write and test dozens of interesting programs and dive into custom Haskell modules. You will gain a new perspective on programming plus the practical ability to use Haskell in the everyday world.

It also explores the important language features and programming skills you'll need to build production-quality software using Haskell. And along the way, you'll pick up some interesting insights into why Haskell looks and works the way it does. Get ready to go deep...

Books  [Miran Lipovaca] Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! - A Beginner's Guide

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This book is a hilarious, illustrated guide to this complex functional language. Packed with the author's original artwork, pop culture references, and most importantly, useful example code, this book teaches functional fundamentals in a way you never thought possible.

You'll start with the kid stuff: basic syntax, recursion, types and type classes. Then once you've got the basics down, the real black belt master-class begins: you'll learn to use applicative functors, monads, zippers, and all the other mythical Haskell constructs you've only read about in storybooks.

As you work your way through the author's imaginative (and...

Books  [Paul Hudak, Donya Quick] The Haskell School of Music - From Signals to Symphonies

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This book explores the fundamentals of computer music and functional programming through the Haskell programming language. Functional programming is typically considered difficult to learn. This introduction in the context of creating music will allow students and professionals with a musical inclination to leverage their experience to help understand concepts that might be intimidating in more traditional computer science settings. Conversely, the book opens the door for programmers to interact with music by using a medium that is familiar to them. Readers will learn how to use the Euterpea library for Haskell (Euterpea – A...

Books  [Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, John Goerzen] Real World Haskell

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This easy-to-use, fast-moving tutorial introduces you to functional programming with Haskell. You'll learn how to use Haskell in a variety of practical ways, from short scripts to large and demanding applications. Real World Haskell takes you through the basics of functional programming at a brisk pace, and then helps you increase your understanding of Haskell in real-world issues like I/O, performance, dealing with data, concurrency, and more as you move through each chapter.

With this book, you will:
  • Understand the differences between procedural and functional programming
  • Learn the features of Haskell, and how to...

Books  [Andres Loh] Exploring Generic Haskell

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This unlocks a new level of skill with this challenging language. Going beyond the basics of syntax and structure, this book opens up critical topics like advanced types, concurrency, and data processing. You’ll discover key parts of the Haskell ecosystem and master core design patterns that will transform how you write software.



Books  [Christopher Fox, Stefan Nilsson] Go Data Structures and Algorithms

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A concise introduction to data structures and algorithms in Go. Data structures are presented in a container hierarchy that includes stacks and queues as non-traversable dispensers, and lists, sets, and maps as traversable collections. Algorithm analysis is introduced and applied to linear and binary search, bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort and quicksort.

The book also covers heaps and heapsort, unbalanced binary search trees, AVL trees, 2-3 trees, hashing, graph representations, and graph algorithms based on depth-and breadth-first search.

About the Authors:
  • Christopher Fox is a Professor and...

Books  [John P. Baugh] Go Programming

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Google's new programming language Go has caused a lot of excitement. As a modern systems programming language, Go offers significant advantages over older languages like C, C++, and Java.

This book, "Go Programming" takes an example-based approach to teach the reader how to effectively get started with programming in Go. From basic variable usage, to control structures, to File I/O, to basic network programming, this book has all you need to become confident with the basics of the language, and will prepare you to create basic programs, as well as to perform more research of the language.

About the Authors:
  • John P...

Books  [Jason McVetta] Go for Python Programmers

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This book is intended to provide a solid introduction to the Go language for experienced Python programmers. You'll explore key areas of the language such as concurrency, testing, data structures, and more.

About the Authors:
  • Jason McVetta is an independent consultant, teacher, and Free Software activist based in beautiful but too cold San Francisco.


Books  [Caleb Doxsey] An Introduction to Programming in Go

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This book is a short, concise introduction to computer programming using the language Go. Designed by Google, Go is a general purpose programming language with modern features, clean syntax and a robust well-documented common library, making it an ideal language to learn as your first programming language.



Books  [Kyle Isom] Practical Cryptography With Go

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This is an introduction to cryptography for programmers; it doesn't aim to teach the theory, but rather to guide you in your attempt to understand how to use cryptography to secure your services. We'll talk about where it fits into the big picture, and illustrate it using The Go Programming Language. Some of the things we'll discuss are symmetric, asymmetric, and hybrid cryptography, message authentication codes, trust, and how to engineer these systems properly to mitigate risk.

About the Authors:
  • Kyle Isom is a systems engineer at CloudFlare, where he is currently focused on developing secure systems at scale with...

Books  [Tapir Liu] Go 101: Focusing on Go Syntax/Semantics and all Kinds of Details

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This is a book focusing on Go syntax/semantics and all kinds of details. It tries to help gophers gain a deep and thorough understanding of Go. It is expected that this book is helpful for both beginner and experienced Go programmers.



Books  [Krzysztof Kowalczyk] Essential Go

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This book written to provide clear and concise explanation of topics for programmers both starting to learn the Go programming language as well as those diving in more complex topics. Most examples are linked to online playground that allows you to change the code and re-run it.

You can also quickly navigate to desired content using table of content on the left and search at the top (tip: you can navigate search using only a keyboard with '/' shortcut to start a search).

About the Authors:
  • Krzysztof Kowalczyk worked at Microsoft, Palm, BitTorrent, OpenDNS (acquired by Cisco) and a few small Silicon Valley startups...

Books  [Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson] Effective Go

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This book gives tips for writing clear, idiomatic Go code.

It covers the nuances of Go, with in-depth guides on types and structures, packages, concurrency, network programming, compiler design, optimization, and more. Each chapter ends with exercises and resources to fully embed your new knowledge.

About the Authors:
  • Robert Griesemer is a Swiss computer scientist. He is best known for his work on the Go programming language.

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