Books  [Danielle Pelletier] Easy English Step-by-step For Esl Learners

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You've come to the right place for learning English quickly and easily!​

Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners is based on the idea that the quickest route to learning this subject is building a solid foundation in the basics. You won't find a lot of pointless discussion; instead, you get an original, step-by-step approach to mastering English, with important concepts linked together by clear explanations, appropriate exercises, and helpful answers.

The first steps introduce you to the everyday expressions of the English language, allowing you to communicate in a variety of everyday situations almost immediately. Gradually, a...

Books  [Zakir Laliwala, Rehankhan Pathan, Irshad Siraj Mansuri] Activiti 5.x Business Process Management: Beginner's Guide

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Being a Packt Beginners Guide, each chapter follows an easy to understand approach with plenty of screenshots and clear and concise steps to guide you throughout. This book is primarily intended for Business Analysts (BAs) who need to develop a process model for implementation in a Business Process Management system. The book assumes that you have basic knowledge of business analysis; however, no Activiti or Java knowledge is required.



Books  [Mario Alemi] The Amazing Journey of Reason: from DNA to Artificial Intelligence

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Organisms, or organized, living, systems. What's their origin? Why and how did they evolve? The Amazing Journey of Reason analyses the evolution of complex structures in the universe -from the subatomic particles after the Big Bang onwards- in order to understand the emergence of today's interconnected society. Artificial Intelligence, it concludes, is just the final step of a journey which started with DNA, itself the first Information and Communication Technology devised by nature on planet earth. What we are living today is the formation of the distributed nervous system of a metaorganism, in which human beings are the cells. A...

Books  [Andrea Nanetti] Computational Engineering of Historical Memories

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Nanetti outlines a methodology for deploying artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance historical research.

Historical events are the treasure of human experiences, the heritage that societies have used to remain resilient and express their identities. Nanetti has created and developed an interdisciplinary methodology supported by practice-based research that serves as a pathway between historical and computer sciences to design and build computational structures that analyse how societies create narratives about historical events. This consilience pathway aims to make historical memory machine-understandable. It turns...

Books  [Pamela Satterwhite] Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work

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This book explains how we came to be servants of an economic system, rather than the other way around. It proposes a theory of wholism for critiquing the present reality and envisioning the world we want, and then suggests concrete actions to help us get there.



Books  [Peter Smith] Gödel Without (Too Many) Tears

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Kurt Gödel's famous First Incompleteness Theorem shows that for any sufficiently rich theory that contains enough arithmetic, there are some arithmetical truths the theory cannot prove. How is this remarkable result proved? This short book explains. It also discusses Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem. Based on much-downloaded lecture notes for a course given in Cambridge for many years, the aim is to make the Theorems available, clearly and accessibly, even to those with a quite limited formal background (and at a third of the length of the same author's more wide-ranging Introduction to Gödel's Theorems)...

Books  [David Pearce, Magnus Vinding] Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?

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Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering? is a collection of essays by utilitarian philosopher David Pearce. The essays deal with a variety of subjects, including the abolition of suffering through biotechnology, negative utilitarianism, our obligations toward non-human animals, the nature of consciousness, and the future of intelligent life.



Books  [Mats Danielson, Love Ekenberg] Real-Life Decision-Making

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Have you ever experienced a decision situation that was hard to come to grips with? Did you ever feel a need to improve your decision-making skills? Is this something where you feel that you have not learned enough practical and useful methods?

This book is an attempt to remedy this shortcoming of our educational systems and possibly also of our common, partly intuition-based, decision culture. Intuition is not at all bad, quite the contrary, but it has to co-exist with rationality.

About the Authors:
  • Mats Danielson is a Full Professor in Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, a Senior Advisor to the...

Books  [Mohamed Ally] Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training

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This collection is for anyone interested in the use of mobile technology for various distance learning applications. Readers will discover how to design learning materials for delivery on mobile technology and become familiar with the best practices of other educators, trainers, and researchers in the field, as well as the most recent initiatives in mobile learning research. Businesses and governments can learn how to deliver timely information to staff using mobile devices. Professors can use this book as a textbook for courses on distance education, mobile learning, and educational technology...

Books  [Christopher Holden, Seann Dikkers, John Martin, Breanne Litts] Mobile Media Learning: Innovation and Inspiration

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This book is an inspirational message about what is possible and practical in the name of learning through mobile media. It present stories from a diverse set of educators, a microcosm of the landscape of mobile media learning.



Books  [Jody Ondich] Words of Wisdom - Introduction to Philosophy

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Philosophy is the study of wisdom, and can emerge in our conversations in social media, in school, around the family dinner table, and even in the car. The text uses materials that are 2,500 years old, and materials that were in the news this year.



Books  [Eric Dodson, Davida Jordan, Timothy Krause] Beginning ESOL

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This book contains three levels of interactive grammar lessons and reading activities for beginning students of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). The grammar section includes a select set of YouTube videos, and the three original readers include short picture or chapter stories. Each lesson is accompanied by self-correcting exercises.



Books  [Greg Jacobson] Think Yourself Happy: Five Changes in Thinking That Will Immediately Improve You

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Could you be happier than you are right now?Research has proven that people who are happy earn more money, are healthier, make fewer mistakes, have stronger, longer-lasting relationships, and live longer.Considered one of the world’s leading strategists for developing a success mindset, Greg Jacobson has taught hundreds of well-known organizations and high-performing individuals to achieve more, meet objectives faster, and become better team players.As a highly sought-after speaker, trainer, and consultant, Greg’s experience and skill sets have realized stellar results for governments, non-profits, and some of the largest companies in...

Books  [Mário Ming Kong, Maria do Rosário Monteiro, Maria João Pereira Neto] Creating Through Mind and Emotions

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The texts presented in Proportion Harmonies and Identities (PHI) Creating Through Mind and Emotions were compiled to establish a multidisciplinary platform for presenting, interacting, and disseminating research. This platform also aims to foster the awareness and discussion on Creating Through Mind and Emotions, focusing on different visions relevant to Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Design and Social Sciences, and its importance and benefits for the sense of identity, both individual and communal. The idea of Creating Through Mind and Emotions has been a powerful motor for development since the Western Early Modern Age. Its...

Books  [Zachary J. McDowell, Matthew A. Vetter] Wikipedia and the Representation of Reality

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A contemporary examination of what information is represented, how that information is presented, and who gets to participate (and serve as gatekeeper) in the world's largest online repository for information, Wikipedia.

Bridging contemporary education research that addresses the 'experiential epistemology' of learning to use Wikipedia with an understanding of how the inception and design of the platform assists this, the book explores the complex disconnect between the encyclopedia's formalized policy and the often unspoken norms that govern its knowledge-making processes. At times both laudatory and critical, this book illustrates...

Books  [Stephen Pinfield, Simon Wakeling, David Bawden, Lyn Robinson] Open Access in Theory and Practice

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Open Access in Theory and Practice investigates the theory-practice relationship in the domain of open access publication and dissemination of research outputs.

Drawing on detailed analysis of the literature and current practice in OA, as well as data collected in detailed interviews with practitioners, policymakers, and researchers, the book discusses what constitutes ‘theory’, and how the role of theory is perceived by both theorists and practitioners. Exploring the ways theory and practice have interacted in the development of OA, the authors discuss what this reveals about the nature of the OA phenomenon itself and the...

Books  [Sabrina P. Ramet] East Central Europe and Communism: Politics, Culture, and Society, 1943–1991

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The communists of East Central Europe came to power promising to bring about genuine equality, paying special attention to achieving gender equality, to build up industry and create prosperous societies, and to use music, art, and literature to promote socialist ideals. Instead, they never succeeded in filling more than a third of their legislatures with women and were unable to make significant headway against entrenched patriarchal views; they considered it necessary (with the sole exception of Albania) to rely heavily on credits to build up their economies, eventually driving them into bankruptcy; and the effort to instrumentalize...

Books  [John S. Major, Constance A. Cook] Ancient China: A History

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Ancient China: A History surveys the East Asian Heartland Region – the geographical area that eventually became known as China – from the Neolithic period through the Bronze Age, to the early imperial era of Qin and Han, up to the threshold of the medieval period in the third century CE. For most of that long span of time there was no such place as "China"; the vast and varied territory of the Heartland Region was home to many diverse cultures that only slowly coalesced, culturally, linguistically, and politically, to form the first recognizably Chinese empires.

The field of Early China Studies is being revolutionized in our time by a...

Books  [Rick Szostak] Making Sense of World History

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Making Sense of World History is a comprehensive and accessible textbook that helps students understand the key themes of world history within a chronological framework stretching from ancient times to the present day.

To lend coherence to its narrative, the book employs a set of organizing devices that connect times, places, and/or themes.

This narrative is supported by:
  • Flowcharts that show how phenomena within diverse broad themes interact in generating key processes and events in world history.
  • A discussion of the common challenges faced by different types of agent, including rulers, merchants, farmers, and...

Books  [Daniel Gordon] What is Academic Freedom?: A Century of Debate, 1915–Present

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This book explores the history of the debate, from 1915 to the present, about the meaning of academic freedom, particularly as concerns political activism on the college campus. The book introduces readers to the origins of the modern research university in the United States, the professionalization of the role of the university teacher, and the rise of alternative conceptions of academic freedom challenging the professional model and radicalizing the image of the university. Leading thinkers on the subject of academic freedom―Arthur Lovejoy, Angela Davis, Alexander Meiklejohn, Edward W. Said, among others―spring to life. What is the...

Books  [John J.B. Anderson, Marilyn C. Sparling] The Mediterranean Way of Eating

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Scientific evidence accumulated over decades validates the idea that a plant-based dietary pattern, such as the traditional Mediterranean way of eating, promotes health and plays an important role in risk reduction and prevention of several chronic diseases. One of the great advantages of the Mediterranean diet is that it can be easily adopted by other cultures because it is flexible and highly palatable. The Mediterranean Way of Evidence for Chronic Disease Prevention and Weight Management offers evidence-based information about an enjoyable, healthy way of eating that has stood the test of time, along with practical suggestions for...

Books  [Rick Szostak] Making Sense of the Future

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Making Sense of the Future integrates the latest thinking in Future Studies with the author’s expertise in world history, economics, interdisciplinary studies, knowledge organization, and political activism.

The book takes a systems approach that recognizes the complexity of our world. It begins by suggesting a set of goals for human societies and identifying innovative strategies for achieving these goals that could gain broad support. Each chapter begins with a “How to” section that discusses how we can identify goals, strategies, trends, surprises, or implementation strategies and concludes with an integrative analysis that draws...

Books  [Craig DeLancey] A Concise Introduction to Logic

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A Concise Introduction to Logic is an introduction to formal logic suitable for undergraduates taking a general education course in logic or critical thinking, and is accessible and useful to any interested in gaining a basic understanding of logic. This text takes the unique approach of teaching logic through intellectual history; the author uses examples from important and celebrated arguments in philosophy to illustrate logical principles. The text also includes a basic introduction to findings of advanced logic. As indicators of where the student could go next with logic, the book closes with an overview of advanced topics, such as...

Books  [Hannes Werthner, Carlo Ghezzi, Jeff Kramer, Julian Nida-Rümelin, Bashar Nuseibeh, Erich Prem] Introduction to Digital Humanism: A Textbook

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This open access textbook introduces and defines digital humanism from a diverse range of disciplines. Following the 2019 Vienna Manifesto, the book calls for a digital humanism that describes, analyzes, and, most importantly, influences the complex interplay of technology and humankind, for a better society and life, fully respecting universal human rights.

The book is organized in three parts: Part I “Background” provides the multidisciplinary background needed to understand digital humanism in its philosophical, cultural, technological, historical, social, and economic dimensions. The goal is to present the necessary knowledge upon...

Books  [Hanspeter A. Mallot] From Geometry to Behavior: An Introduction to Spatial Cognition

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An overview of the mechanisms and evolution of spatial cognition, integrating evidence from psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and computational geometry.

Understanding how we deal with space requires input from many fields, including ethology, neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, geography, and spatial information theory. In From Geometry to Behavior, cognitive neuroscientist Hanspeter A. Mallot provides an overview of the basic mechanisms of spatial behavior in animals and humans, showing how they combine to support higher-level performance. Mallot explores the biological mechanisms of dealing with...
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