Development [Skillshare] Learn Python In 120 Minutes: Complete Python Programming



In this class we will Learn Python from the scratch the class is completely for noobs so even if you don't have any prior programming experience or never written a single line of code you will still be able to understand and follow along

Class Content:
Entire class is divided into 6 modules and in each module we will have couple of lessons
  • Basic Concepts
  • Data Structures
  • Control Flow
  • Functions & Modules
  • File & Exception Handling
  • Additional Concepts
What You Will Learn:
  • Data Types(String, integer, float)
  • Input
  • Variables
  • Arithmetic Operations
  • Tuple
  • List
  • Set
  • Dictionary
  • Operations on tuple and dict
  • If else & elif statements
  • For loops
  • Range()
  • While loops
  • Continue, Break
  • Functions
  • Return
  • Global & local variables
  • Built in functions
  • Modules
  • Random
  • Time & Datetime
  • Python Standard Library
  • File Handling
  • Errors in Python
  • Exception Handling
  • Raise Exceptions
  • List Comprehensions
  • Lambda Functions
  • Zen of python PEP 8
Meet Your Teacher
Hello, Tahir here.. I'm a full stack developer and digital marketer working with technologies such as Python, JavaScript, SQL, html, CSS and various frameworks in these technologies. I am a self taught programmer. And I strongly believe in "The best way to learn any skill is to learn by doing" so most of my classes are and will be project oriented.


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