Business [Dan Lok] Perfect Closing Script


Pirate Club
5 Ноя 2017

But once you use this NEW sales method, you’ll breeze through almost every single sales conversation. Imagine what it would be like when you no longer have to “close” your prospects. All you have to do is take money from those that want to work with you and are a good fit…

Now you can finally put an end to these painful and embarrassing objections that are costing you sales and money:
  • “This sounds good, but let me think about it.”
  • “Your prices are too HIGH.”
  • “Let me run this by my partner before I can make a decision.”
  • “I’ll get back to you.”
  • “I need to do some research”
This new way of selling is KILLING it for those that use it. The problem is, hardly anyone knows this powerful new method... If Old School Sales Techniques Don’t Work As Well As They Used To, What Do You Do? Forbes put it perfectly. “The Antithesis Of “Old School Sales” Is The Key To Success.” -Forbes Don't try to be better than your competition. Be different.

If you try to be better, your customers and clients will put you in the same category as your competitors.

That means you can only be as valuable as your competitors.

So you have to compete on price, features, benefits, and service (which we know doesn’t work anymore).

But when you can be wildly different in the way you sell, there will be much less resistance from your prospect.

You don’t have to change the product or service or anything about what you’re selling. All that needs to be tweaked is HOW you sell it.



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